Friday, February 24, 2012

Behavior Modification


B.F. Skinner researched peoples' behaviors and how they made changes to those behaviors. As a classroom teacher, you are able to observe student behaviors daily, and you know each student's particular behavior. Being knowledgeable of  each individual student's behavior, you can modify the inappropriate behaviors that some students my display in two ways: reinforcements and punishments.

Reinforcements are consequences that strengthen good behavior. For example you have a student who constantly yells out during class. You can create a Good Behavior Chart for this student listing 'Calling Out' on the chart for the behavior that the student will modify. Each time the student does not yell out, place a sticker or check mark on the chart. At the end of the day or week, reward the student for doing a good job by not calling out. You can use the Good Behavior Chart to list up to five behaviors a student can work to change.

Another reinforcement strategy would be the chance cards. Each time as student is displaying appropriate behavior you give them a chance card. The student signs their name on the card and stores it in their desk or cubby. At the end of each week students can redeem their chance cards for a reward.

Use a marble jar to reinforce classroom behavior. Place marbles into a jar each time the entire class is behaving. Set a goal, either the jar being half full or completely full, for the class to reach and receive a party. You can also use paper links, adding a link when the class behaves, and rewarding them when the reach a set number of links.

PRAISE, PRAISE, and PRAISE students for good behavior, this encourages them to continue displaying that behavior.

 No strategy will work if the teacher does not explain, implement, and reinforce the behavior modification.

Punishments are consequences that weaken the bad behavior. You can take away some recess time, call home, or have students write and explain why they should not repeat that particular behavior.

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