Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Classroom Management Anonymous meeting

What's the famous line from a support group meeting? Ah yes...The first step to solving a problem is admitting you have one.

This topic is a difficult one to discuss because often time as humans we don't like to admit that we are not doing a good job. But the fact is that sometimes it true. Some teachers who struggle with classroom management may often times tell friends or co-workers, "It's not me its the students! They just don't listen to anything I say". Teachers that make these comments are struggling to gain control in their classroom and manage the students effectively, but they blame the students. A great way to determine if it's your lack of classroom management or student behaviors is to take this questionnaire.

Answer YES or NO
  1. Have you had some of the same issues with management in other school years?
  2. Does your administrator make comments or provide feedback regarding your lack of management?
  3. Do you allow student misbehavior to continue without make changes or providing incentives in the classroom?
  4. Do other staff members have to come in your room and assist you due to student behaviors?
  5. Do you have more than 5 students who act out on a daily basis?
If you answered yes to at least 3 out of the 5 questions, then it is you who is problem. A tough pill to swallow? I too had to come to this conclusion when my classroom management was poor and my students misbehaved constantly. But the great thing is, is that you can change you!!!!! You can evaluate your classroom current state and decide what changes and modifications need to made to have a spectacular classroom management.  

*** Some students do misbehavior for many other reasons besides the lack of classroom management. It is your job as a teacher to determine who those students are, but not to blame all the student.

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